
Fee: $750 Location: Vancouver

Approx Birthday: Apr 2, 2023  Sex: Male  Breed: Shiba Inu Weight: 18kg  Length (head to base of tail): 75cm  Height (head to ground): 65cm Spayed?/Neutered?: Yes

Special Need: N/A.  Previous injury: N/A Vaccines Pending: N/A – Up to date

Leash Manner: Loose Leash Walking  Potty: Outdoor 

Basic Commands: Sit, Come, Paw

Ever Been Alone in Home: Yes

Food brand: N&D, Honest Kitchen, Firstmate  Number of Feeding per Day: 1 cup a meal twice a day + Treats through out the day

Kid Friendly: 4/5 * Dog Friendly: 3.5/5 Cat Friendly: 4/5 *Barking: 2/5 Chewing: 2/5 Separation Anxiety: 2/5 Fear for Adult Men: 2/5 Active Level: 3/5 Independence Level: 3/5 Velcro Level: 4/5 Prey-Drive: 2/5

*Cat interactions: Grew up with cats and kittens. Wants to play and cuddle. Takes slaps well. If other dogs chase he will want to chase

*Kid Friendly: Lives with a toddler and is gentle and friendly. Leaves if baby does harsh petting. Can be skittish might bark/growl/show teeth when stranger children try to pet/grab. Needs dog savvy children give plenty of space and treats upon initial  introduction

*Fear of Men: Some but warm up quickly. No hovering over and attempt to grab. He will bark/growl/show teeth. Will take treats.  

*Leash Trained: Walks very well on leash. Wants to walk side ways to avoid the leash touching his curly  tail

*Dog Friendly: Timid of very pushy dogs. Jumps away when at dog’s correction but would come back to re-attempt the integration. Barks if a dog charges at him and jumps away. Would zoom – but is a teethy player.

*Chewing: boredom chewing – can easily be redirected to chew the right things. If he’s chewing things he’s not allowed to it means he is very bored and does the chewing deliberately for attention 

*Prey-Drive: Not much for a street dog but will take lead from prey driven dogs in his pack. Just started to chase bunnies but would not take much to coax him to leave 


Adoption Application  Adoption Fee