
You Can Save A Life

When you donate with CooGo Rescue Foundation, 100% of your donation goes towards the project, such as Operational costs such as administration, marketing, fundraising, communication and other business services. The only way we are able to save more lives is by being able to pay the transportation fee, air fare ticket and overweight charge. We also pay for medical bill and cages. By donating, you can help us cover the costs of:
  • Airfare
  • Cages
  • Vaccines
  • Dental
  • Grooming
  • Spaying/neutering
  • Microchip
  • Leash/Harness/Collar upon arrival
1. Donate with Paypal (Non Tax Receipt) *As we are a Not for Profit and not a Registered Charity there is no tax receipt issued for this form of donating.
2. Donate directly from your mobile phone via the Donate button on our Facebook page