
Fee: $550 Location:  Taiwan Date of Arrival: Aug 6 2020

Approx Birthday: March 18 2020  Sex: Female  Breed: FMD x Terrier Weight: 3 kg  Length (chest to base of tail): 20cm Height (head to toe): 16 cm Spayed?/Neutered?: No Puppy Program

Special Need: N/A Previous injury: N/A Harness Trained: Yes  Potty: Mostly Indoor  Basic Commands: Yes Pee Pads: Training  Ever Been Alone in Home: Yes

Food brand: Pro Choice Number of Feeding per Day: 3

Kid Friendly: 5/5 Dog Friendly: 5/5 Cat Friendly: 3/5 * Barking: 2/5 Chewing: 3/5 Separation Anxiety: 2/5 Fear for Adult Men: 2/5 Active Level: 5/5 Independence Level: 2/5

*Kid Friendly: Extremely Friendly and loves playing with them

*Dog Friendly: Extremely Friendly. Will play with any dogs of any sizes

*Cat Friendly: Has not lived with cats, but won’t approach/attack

*Chewing: Teething! 

Level of Independence*: Loves cuddling 

Both Purdy and Maxim are Formosan Cross small breed terrier (mother). The small breed terrier was kept in a cage for all 10 years of her life. The only time that she was tether out, she was in heat, and got pregnant at 10 years old. The rescuer could only recover Maxim and Purdy and the owner of the mother dog has given other puppies away. 

The sisters are both affectionate and full of energy! Maxim is a beautiful medium hair girl! At the age of 4 months, they are barely at 4 kg. Both are extremely food driven. Due to the size of their mother, we think they will be at most a small medium size dog, if not smaller.

Adoption Application Adoption Fee

Purdy with child
Purdy with Cats
Purdy Knee Exam
Purdy on Leash
Purdy with Male Stranger
Purdy with Male Stranger 2