Breed: Formosan Mountain Dog Age: 4.5 months Gender: Female Weight: 9 kg Height: 50 cm Length: 60 cm
Barking: 2/5 (minimal) Kid Friendly: 5/5 Cat Friendly: Yes Nibble: 2/5 Separation Anxiety: 1/5 Fear for Adult Men: 2/5 Active Level: 3/5
Mika is a Formosan Mountain Dog cross. She’s very smart, is medium haired and has an extroverted personality. Being a 6 months old young puppy, you can expect her to be playful and requires stimulation. If you don’t play with her, she will find a way to break out of the crate and come find you! She is also very cuddly, you can just hang out with her on the couch and fall asleep together.
Mika was found with her sister Maya, two brothers and their mother. The rescuer was in the process of trapping and spaying the mother and rehoming all the puppies but the two brothers were nowhere to be found after a few days. It was just Maya and Mika that was rescued into the foster family.
Mika is a fun puppy but also a stubborn one, so she may require patience with training. She is playful with other dogs, affectionate towards people, cat tested, and kid friendly. As a Formosan Mountain Dog cross, Mika will grow up to be a medium size dog around 18 kg and around 60cm tall. The breed is medium energy and can keep up with an active lifestyle. Despite being medium haired she will only shed seasonally and minimally.