Fee: $650 + Applicable Transport Cost Location: Taiwan
Approx Birthday: Oct 1 2020 Sex: Female Breed: Formosan Mountain Dog Weight: 7 kg Length (head to toe) 35 cm Height (chest to base of tail) 36 cm Spayed/Neutered? Yes
Special need: None Previous Injury: None Food Type: Kibble Food Brand: Various Eating Habit Twice a Day
Leash Manners: Gets a little confused needs guidance Current Walking Habit: Does not go for walks Crate Trained? Yes Potty Habit: Indoor Basic Commands None Ever been Alone in Home: Been alone without people but with dogs
Kid Friendly: 4/5 Needs time to warm and can be petted and handled. Does not seek interaction. Flickers lightly if being touched
Dog Friendly: 5/5 Actively invites play with dogs of all sizes
Cat Friendly: 4/5 Doesn’t chase or approach. If gets slapped does not fight back will leave the scene
Barking: 2/5 Alert barking but will stop if corrected
Chewing: 2/5 Chews when bored
Separation Anxiety: 1/5 No separation anxiety
Fear for Adult Men: 1/5 No fears and loves men
Fear for Strangers: 1/5 No fears and loves people
Fear for Traffic: Not sure – not walked regularly
Activity Level: 3/5 Needs a minimum of at least 1.5 hour long walks or at least an hour of non-stop offleash time
Velcro Level: 3/5 Enjoys the interactions with people but does not panic when the owner disengages
Prey Drive: Not sure – not walked regularly