Flight Volunteer

CooGo Rescue is in need of traveling companions to assist us in escorting dogs from Taiwan or Beijing to Vancouver (YVR) or Seattle (SEA-TAC)

If you are interested and able to escort a rescue dog on your trip to Vancouver from Taiwan or Beijing, please fill out the form below!

CooGo is responsible for all paperwork and fees!

WHO: Direct flight from Taiwan (TPE) or Beijing to Vancouver (YVR) or Seattle (SEA-TAC) 對象: 從台灣或是北京直飛前往溫哥華(YVR)或是西雅圖(SEA-TAC)的旅客 DOCUMENT All we need is a copy of your passport, copy of your electronic ticket and a proxy form 文件:旅客本人護照影本/電子機票影本/委任書簽字/行李申請書即可 TIMELINE: Please let us know at least 10 days prior your fly day. 期限:請盡可能十天前與我們確認報名,好讓我們有時間安排。 FEE: There’s absolute NO FEE require for being a flight volunteer. CooGo covers all the expense. 費用: 當護犬大使不須花任何費用,超出運費由酷狗協會負責。 且運送貓狗重量亦不算入遊客原有的行李重量及件數內,請旅客放心。

Your help is greatly appreciated from us and the pooches flying to their furever home!

[email protected]778-877-7281