
Breed: Formosan Mountain Dog Age: 4.5 months Gender: Female Weight: 8 kg Height: 48 cm Length: 51 cm

Special Need: N/A Food brand: Dry kibbles Things to work on: Nibbling and Alert Barking

Barking: 3/5 Kid Friendly: 5/5 Cat Friendly: Yes Nibble: 4/5  Separation Anxiety: 1/5 Fear for Adult Men: 2/5 Active Level: 3/5

Another pitch-black beauty that you would fall in love with at first sight. She is fast like a shadow, elegant like a panther, silly like a baby; who wouldn’t fall in love with her? Take her to the mountain trail, squeeze her and hold her on the couch watching TV, she deserves all the love and attention in the world!

Hannah was rescued in Central Taiwan from a case of animal cruelty. She was just a feral puppy on the street minding her own business when someone came along, picked her up, and smashed her into the asphalt repeatedly. When she was first recued, she was scared of everything, everyone; who could blame her! Being a puppy with a big heart, she quickly learned to trust again in a loving environment, and now is just a happy nut waiting to be loved!

Aside from a total food lover, Hannah loves playing chases with other dogs. At the age of 4.5 months, she is still at the nibble age where she shreds everything that comes in sight.  Being a Formosan Mountain dog mix, Hannah is expected to grow up to 22kg, 65cm tall and 75cm long. The breed is medium energy that can keep up with the high energy activity demand. Hannah has a short coat that requires minimal grooming and will only shed seasonally and minimally.

Adoption Application