Breed: Formosan Mountain Dog x Approx Birthday: Jan 2015 Gender: Female Weight: 16 kg Height: 52cm Length: 59cm
Spayed: Yes Special Need: N/A Food brand: Kibbles Things to work on: N/A
Kid Friendly:4/5 *Dog Friendly: 4/5 Cat Friendly: 4/5 Barking: 2/5 Nibble: 2/5 Separation Anxiety: 1/5 Fear for Adult Men: 1/5 Active Level: 3-4/5
Basic Commands: No Harness Trained: Yes Potty: Outdoor Pee Pads: No Ever Been Alone in Home: No
*Dog Friendly: Wants to fight for affection
Juna is a golden medium haired Formosan Cross who is extroverted, affectionate, and active. She was reported by the locals in the neighbourhood and admitted into the shelter with her two puppies. Her puppies were adopted out of the local shelter without her, so the rescuers took the young mother Juna into foster care.
Being a young mother, Juna is especially tolerant of puppies nibbling and perching her. She is overall friendly with dogs, but can be picky when selecting whom to play with. Juna is calm with the kitties. Being a longer haired Formosan Cross, Juna will shed slightly more than a classic Formosan Mountain Dog. She is medium to high energy, so she will do best in a family with medium to high energy lifestyle!