
Breed:Formosan Mountain Dog Approx Birthday: Oct 2017 Gender: Male Weight: 5.7 kg Height: 65cm Length: 60cm

Neutered?: Yes Special Need: N/A Food brand: Go/Acana Kibbles Things to work on: N/A

Kid Friendly: 4/5 *Dog Friendly: 5/5 *Cat Friendly: 4/5 Barking: 1/5 *Nibble: 2/5 *Separation Anxiety: 2/5 Fear for Adult Men: 2/5 Active Level: 3/5

Harness Trained: Yes Potty: Outdoor Basic Commands: Yes Pee Pads: Yes Ever Been Alone in Home: Yes

*Dog Friendly: Plays well and likes to make growling sounds to invite play.

*Cat Friendly: Will sniff and invite play in the beginning. Will stop if called and corrected

*Fear for adult men: No problem at home. When strangers approaches he flinches but will let people pet him.

*Separation Anxiety: Whines a little when being alone. Will be normal after 2-5 min.

*Nibble: likes to gut stuffies

Leo, Loia and Odi are 3 siblings found with their mother in the Mountain Range. They were only only 1 month old when the rescuers took them in. The 3 siblings grew up in a family setting and are just so loving and cuddly! Super food driven and easy to train! Leo sits well and follows well and loves to run! He will be a fantastic offleash hiking trail buddy!

Adoption Application Adoption Fee