Fee: $600 Location: Vancouver
Approx Birthday: Nov 1 2019 Sex: Female Breed: Formosan Mountain Dog x. Weight: 17 kg Length (head to toe): 65cm Height (chest to base of tail): 70 cm Spayed?/Neutered?: Yes
Special Need: N/A Previous injury: N/A
Leash Trained: Yes Crate Trained?: In Training Potty: Outdoor Basic Commands: in training Pee Pads: No Ever Been Alone in Home: Only without people
Food brand: Generic Kibbles Number of Feeding per Day 2
Kid Friendly: 3/5 Dog Friendly: 5/5 Cat Friendly: 3.5/5 * Barking: 2/5 Chewing: 2/5 Separation Anxiety: 2/5 Fear for Adult Men: 1/5 Active Level: 3/5 Independence Level: 3/5
Kid Friendly: Would avoid stranger kids
Dog Friendly: Loves playing with other dogs
Cat Friendly*: Keeps a distance; doesn’t bark or get close, unless the cat initiates the hissing then she barks back
Rescuer rescued Lotus from animal trap in Taiwan. Lily had an irresponsible owner. She was lucky that she was found early, and did not sustain permanent injuries. She could still walk normally. She does not guard her food against people even when the food was taken directly away from her bowl. She does not guard her food against dogs and she could share her food with other dogs from the same bowl. Lotus gets spooked by firecrackers and thunder easily. Large and sudden motion could spook her as well. Lotus does not show aggressive behavior against cats. If cats hiss at her, she would bark back but would not charge toward the cat.