
Fee: $600 Location:  Taiwan Earliest Date to Arrive: ETA

Approx Birthday: Aug 23 2020 Sex: Female  Breed: Shiba Inu Weight: 6.1 kg  Length (head to toe): 42cm Height (chest to base of tail): 42 cm Spayed?/Neutered?: No

Special Need: N/A Previous injury: N/A 

Harness Trained: Yes  Crate Trained?: Yes – Dines in crate Potty: Indoor/Patio/On Leash Basic Commands: Sit  Pee Pads: Yes  Ever Been Alone in Home: Only without people

Food brand: Pro’s Choice Kibbles + Freshly cooked food Number of Feeding per Day 2

Kid Friendly: 5/5 Dog Friendly: 5/5 Cat Friendly: 4/5 * Barking: 3/5 Chewing: 3/5 Separation Anxiety: 2/5 Fear for Adult Men: 1/5 Active Level: 2/5 Independence Level: 2/5 Kid Friendly: Would actively approach for play
Dog Friendly: Would approach to sniff
Cat Friendly*: wants to sniff and barks to invite play
Level of Independence*: Velcro and cuddly

Marnie was found abandoned in at the recycling centre. At the centre, large trucks come in and out and is not a safe place for a pup. Marnie is active, happy and not skittish. She’s communicative and would bark to get you to feed her. She’s still in her puppy stage so would want to chew on people’s pants. She likes to climb into the bed to sleep. Once she’s on the bed she’s fast asleep!

Adoption Application  Adoption Fee

Puppy Program