
Breed: Bichon Frise Approx Birthday: Jan 2016 Gender: Male Weight: 8.5 kg Height (head to toe): 35cm Length (chest to base of tail): 40cm

Neutered?: Yes Special Need: None Food brand: Boreal Duck + Freshly cooked chicken Breasts Things to work on: Picky eater

Kid Friendly: 5/5 *Dog Friendly: 4/5 *Cat Friendly: Not met one *Barking: 2/5 Nibble: 1/5 Separation Anxiety: 1/5 *Fear for Adult Men: 1/5 Active Level: 3/5

Harness Trained: Yes Potty: Outdoor Basic Commands: No Pee Pads: No Ever Been Alone in Home: No

*Kid Friendly: Plays like there’s no tomorrow

*Dog Friendly: Plays well together

Milo is a puppy mill survivor. If our rescuer hasn’t stepped in, he would have been resold to another mill, and forced to mate until he no longer can.

He’s a bit of a picky eater; the foster tops his kibbles with freshly cooked chicken breasts to help him eat his portion. He can be a bit oblivious of his size when plying with dogs. He likes challenging dogs that are larger than himself. Milo is a huge fan of the balls and other toys. One of his favourite things to do is to steal everyone’s toy into his bed, and display them. Like most Bichon Frise, Milo enjoys being around people.

Adoption Application Adoption Fee