
Breed:Formosan Mountain Dog Approx Birthday: Oct 24 2018 Gender: Female Weight: 3.6 kg Height: 32 cm Length: 32 cm

Spayed?: Not yet (Eligible for puppy program)   Special Need: N/A Food brand: Puppy Kibbles Various Brands Things to work on: N/A

*Kid Friendly: 5/5 *Dog Friendly: 5/5 *Cat Friendly: 5/5 Barking: 3/5 *Nibble: 5/5 Separation Anxiety: 1/5 Fear for Adult Men: 1/5 Active Level: 3/5

Harness Trained: Not yet Potty: Indoor Basic Commands: Not yet Pee Pads: In training Ever Been Alone in Home: No

*Kid Friendly: A super loving puppy

*Dog Friendly: loves to play and will belly flop if the adult dogs get mad at her

*Cat Friendly: plays and sleeps with kitty

*Nib5ble: Will nibble because she is still a puppy

*Barking: barks when hungry and when excited

Tin-tin, Min-min, Lin-lin and Pin-pin were abandoned by the bushes in a parking lot. It seems like someone attempted to feed the pups but the food placed beside them was infested with red ants. Some puppies already got bitten by the ants. The puppies couldn’t have survived if left there for long, so the rescuers took them home and attempt to home them.

Adoption Application Adoption Fee